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Registrations to join the Christmas Parade close soon

Registrations for community clubs to join the Yass Christmas Parade will close on Sunday, December 5.

The parade will begin at 6pm on Thursday, December 16 in Yass’ main street but the street will be closed from about 5:30pm.

Volunteer Barry O’Mara said the committee is calling on community and sporting groups that wish to participate in the parade.


Interested parties can contact the Yass Valley SPIN Foundation Facebook page for more information and the opportunity to register for the parade.

Clubs will then need to fill out a form with details about their float or other participation in the parade so that groups can be organised into a parade order.

Barry said they have contacted Yass’ emergency services who will be involved again this year alongside Council vehicles.

“We’ve had lots of expressions of interest,” he said. “It’s an opportunity for the general public to sort of get involved.”


Barry said they have received a lot of interest from car clubs but will be limiting the number of cars to about ten per club.

“We’re working to a bit of a timeframe, so we’ve set a limit on the participation numbers per club,” he said. “Ideally, we would like to see floats from days gone by but we’re happy for people to just walk.”

Make sure you get a good spot to view the parade as Santa is also set to make a reappearance this year.

Additionally, late-night shopping will be open on December 16 and 23 with about 40 stallholders available to sell you unique Christmas gifts for friends and family.

By Brianna O’Rourke

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