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Yass Show n Shine this Saturday

The SPIN Foundation is back with its annual “Show n Shine” this Saturday, the 24th of April.

“It’s our big fundraiser for the year,” said organiser Barry O’Mara.

“Normally, we turnover around $20-25,000 for this event,” he said.

Barry encouraged anyone with a set of wheels they love to come down to Riverside Park Yass and share their love with other motor vehicle enthusiasts.

“This year we are having two different divisions, there will be a separate 4WD one which is new. There will be trucks, bikes, and the cars will be broken up into Americans, Asian and all sorts of different makes and models.”

“It allows people to bring whatever they’ve got, whatever they love in the way of a car, bike or a truck,” he said.

Whilst often in “Show n Shine” events, vehicles are voted on or judged, with the SPIN Foundation’s focus on charity and creating a community feel to the event, the prizes are awarded at random for each vehicle class.

“It’s not a win-at-all-cost thing.”

“It is not a judged event; the first year, we did it as a judged event, but we had 340 vehicles, and it just slowed the day down.”

“It doesn’t matter if you have a 1-million-dollar car there or a 250 dollar car you’re just starting to do up; everyone there is equal,” said Barry.

The SPIN Foundation was yet to decide where funds raised would be directed, but Barry cited potentially being a part of the conglomerate to bring a CT scanner to the Yass Hospital.

“It’s a way of putting more money in to purchase more medical equipment for the community and also help our individual patients that are starting to flow in pretty quickly now,” he said.

With Show n Shine’s return after similar events were put on hold with the pandemic, the SPIN Foundation expect a big crowd.

“We’re lucky enough that this is one of the first Show and Shine’s to hit since Covid.”

“We hope to get somewhere around 400 entrants, which means it’s going to be a bit of a squeeze down at Riverside Park.”

“People are raring to get out and have a bit of a go at it,” he said.

Another feature added to the event this year will be a rubber duck race down the Yass River.

“We’ll have 300 rubber ducks released into the Yass River, and people can purchase a duck for $5,” he said.

Yass Valley Property has sponsored the event, with ducks available for pre-purchase at Yass Valley Property, or they can be bought on the day.

The Rotary Club of Yass has kindly donated the ducks.

If you are interested in sponsoring a trophy, there is still time to reach out to the SPIN Foundation, with the cost of sponsoring priced at $200.

Max O’Driscoll


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