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Yass Rotary donates nearly $34,000 through 2021

Photo: Mick Newling at the 2021 Christmas parade and markets

Last year Yass Rotary donated nearly $34,000 to various groups within the Yass community and outside Yass.

President Mick Newling noted the various sources of revenue that Rotary relies on from the local markets twice a month to barbecues and catering.

However, Mick said the markets were a bit quiet for a large portion of the year due to the pandemic. “We do lots of barbecues and some catering for organisations that come through town,” Mick said.



Mick said Rotary had some really good raffles last year with loads of wood in the winter up for grabs. They raffled off two lots a few months ago and the large loads of wood were unsurprisingly very popular in the wintertime.

The not-for-profit also raffled a ride-on mower, the club had purchased that was valued at nearly $5,000.

“But we were able to recoup that expense plus make a good profit on it as well.”


Late last year Rotary raffled a large pack of cordless garden tools, valued at about $2,500, which raised a good portion of funds.

Mick credits the Glen Lothian Foundation, an estate that was entrusted to Yass Rotary over a decade ago by a local farmer who died with no beneficiaries, as a great source of income for Rotary.

The trust is intended for educational purposes to aid young people in the Yass shire and Boorowa area. Rotary donates to two local education foundations where some funds may go to senior students heading off for university, or to a few families that have difficulty getting their children into preschool.

Over the years the $300,000 was invested in stocks and bonds and has fluctuated but the principal has been maintained.

“We’ve been able to give anywhere between $15,000 and $30,000 a year for educational purposes,” Mick said.

By Brianna O’Rourke

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