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Yass residents invited to join ABC Q&A audience

ABC’s Q+A is coming to Canberra and is providing a FREE bus service for YASS community members who’d like to join!

On Thursday, May 13 at 8.30 pm Q+A, hosted by Hamish Macdonald, will be in Canberra for a Budget special at The Canberra Theatre.

It’s a great opportunity to hear questions from the people of YASS on the issues that matter most to you!

The bus will pick residents up from a central location in Yass at approx. 6pm and return after the show (departing Canberra at approx. 9.45pm)

Joining the panel:

Jane Hume, Senator and Minister for Superannuation, Financial Services and the Digital Economy
Jim Chalmers, Shadow Treasurer
Jacqui Lambie, Senator for Tasmania
Larissa Waters Greens Spokesperson on Environment and Biodiversity; Women; Resources, Mining and Coal Seam Gas

Anyone interested in joining the audience MUST register here:

In the last question which asks how you heard about us, please write YASS BUS and we will be in touch with more information.

(If you don’t need the bus that’s fine ABC would still love you to join them).

See you at Q+A!

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