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Yass Library Click & Collect

The Yass Valley Library will be closed to the public but will continue to provide click and collect only for the time being. The library will resume its normal operating hours from Monday, 11 October despite the stay-at-home orders being lifted for the LGA last week.

“We need to seek clarification from NSW Health regarding the reopening roadmap announced today that mentions information facilities such as libraries opening at 80% vaccination rate,” the library’s Facebook page posted on Monday.

Thankfully, the library’s Click & Collect Service has been a great success amongst locals according to librarian Jake Livingston.

“It’s quite well received, we haven’t limited it to anything so people can get books, movies or magazines,” he said. “We do have a display out in the foyer so people can have a look and decide what they might want.”

Jake estimates they are leasing about 30 books a day though it can change rapidly as people reserve multiple books at a time.

“For those that don’t have computers we also get phone calls and they tell us a bit about what they like and we pick out a few books for them.”

Kimberly Hughes, Library Coordinator and the brains behind the operation, says they were able to get the Click & Collect up and running so smoothly because they had already established a business model from the last lockdown. The idea came off the back of what the library was committed to from the public health orders.

“It was just a way that we could provide materials and items and things like that to help people though what they’re going through at the moment,” she said.

The business model was admired even as far away as the United States on global library forums.

“They actually were discussing what they could do once they were in a position to do so, and we mentioned that we had a click and collect service and they contacted us.”

Seven regional US libraries asked to have a look at the Yass Valley Library’s business model for implementing Click & Collect in a coronavirus outbreak.

“We sent it out to them with whatever help we could provide and then they customised it for themselves to fit in with their priorities,” she said. “It was just about you know sharing the love amongst libraries to try and get the best for the community.”

“Being part of the library community is amazing, it’s completely global we have such a great connection with the NSW libraries, the Australian libraries and international.”

The Click & Collect Service times are Monday to Friday 10am to 12pm and 2pm to 4pm but the library returns chute will remain open 24/7.

If you’re interested in picking up a few books over the next week just head over to the library web page and click on the ‘Our Collection/Click and Col- lect’ button to browse and reserve items. For patrons who can’t access the web page, you can call the library on 6226 1305 or email them at

By Brianna O’Rourke


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