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Tens of thousands of Fingerlings in Yass waters

The Acclimatisation Society of Yass has just finished their annual release of fingerlings into our local waterways.

During the release on Tuesday the 1st of December, The Acclimatisation Society released over 30,000 fingerlings into Burrinjuck Dam, 3,000 into Yass Weir, and a few hundred into the Railway and Riverbank Park Weirs.

The fingerlings released into our waterways were Juvenile Murray Cod, which come from a Hatchery in Narrandera. This is the main hatchery of Murray Cod for NSW, and the NSW government allocates the fingerlings for release throughout NSW.

The Acclimatisation Society had around ten people releasing into Burrinjuck Dam and two people releasing into Yass Weir, working in teams to make the process as quick and easy as possible.

“Fingerlings are around 1.5cm long, and we put ten or twenty in every 10 metres,” said Ross Webster.

Mr Webster said it took around two to three hours to release the fingerlings in the Yass Weir, Mr Webster was releasing while being driven in a boat.

“It takes around four to five years for the fingerlings to reach a legal size of 55cm,” said Mr Webster.

This refers to the legal minimum catching size of a Murray Cod in NSW which is currently set at a daily limit of two.

Early next year will see another release event happening around February or March. This release will involve Golden Perch, also known as Yellowbelly and will be conducted again by The Acclimatisation Society.


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