The lockdown of Greater Sydney and surrounds and the restrictions on the rest of NSW will continue for at least another week after NSW recorded 27 new local cases.
July 16 was announced as the absolute earliest restrictions would ease. Here is a reminder of what that means for you.
If you haven’t spent time in Greater Sydney (including Sydney, the Central Coast, Shellharbour, and Wollongong) in the last 14 days, then it’s these restrictions that apply to you:
- The one person per four square metre rule applies for indoor and outdoor settings. The occupier of non-residential settings must ensure the number of persons on a premises is limited to the greater of 25 persons or 1 person per four square metres If any attendees are from Greater Sydney, funerals and memorial services must be limited to a maximum of 100 people
- Visitors to households are limited to 5 guests, including children. In Greater Sydney, each visitor would need to meet the reasonable excuse exemption before they could visit another residence
- Drinking while standing at indoor venues is not allowed
- Singing by audiences at indoor shows or by congregants at indoor places of worship is not allowed
- Dancing is not allowed at indoor hospitality venues or nightclubs, except at weddings, but only for the wedding party (no more than 20 people)
- Dance and gym classes are limited to 20 per class (masks must be worn)
- Events held in entertainment facilities and major recreation facilities are now limited to the greater of 1 person per 4 square metres or 50% seated capacity
Also, masks remain mandatory in for people aged 12 and over in indoor areas of non-residential premises across all of NSW.
You must also wear a face mask:
- at a COVID-19 safe outdoor gathering
- a controlled outdoor public gathering
- if you are on public transport
- in a major recreation facility such as a stadium, or
- if you are working in a hospitality venue.
If you have been in Greater Sydney since 21 June 2021, you must also follow the stay at home rules, wherever you are and must continue to follow them for 14 days after you were last in Greater Sydney. Reasonable excuses to leave the house include:
- obtaining food or other goods and services
- travelling to attend work or education (where it is not possible to do at home)
- exercise outdoors in groups of no more than 10
- obtaining medical care or supplies – including obtaining a COVID-19 vaccination
- providing care or assistance to a vulnerable person
- attending a funeral or memorial service (including outside of Greater Sydney), provided there are no more than 100 persons present, including the person(s) conducting the service