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Successful Easter Weekend for Woolgarlo Fishing & Social Club

Woolgarlo Fishing & Social Club are continuing the year strongly after a successful Easter Weekend with around 70 competing for the respective fishing categories.

A few junior winners for the Yellowbelly field included Isla Rath at 2.7kg, Alicia McDonald at 1.85kg and Sid Luckie at 1.35kg,

For the Red Fin class, Thomas Mitchell weighed in at 800g, Cameron Ballard at 600g, Zali Lenon at 450g and Shelby Abnett at 400g.

There were 23 junior entries and 39 adult entries this past weekend.

Brother and sister best dressed winners Brock and Zali Lenon

One highlight from the weekend was the 80s themed junior disco on Saturday night, which the kids enjoyed dressing up, having a sausage sizzle as well participating in some games.

A total of 65 kids were in attendance and siblings Brock and Zali Lenon took out the best dressed honours.

On the Saturday night there were around 120 members present for the dinner.

Much like Covid measures that were in place for the earlier Australia Day social weekend a few months ago, members were told to sanitise and meals were served by members from the kitchen.

With the ball rolling again for the Fishing & Social Club after a tough 2020, Treasurer Lisa Matthews said it is great to get together again and see membership numbers strong, especially with the juniors.

“It was a great weekend and everyone enjoyed themselves,” she said.

“One of our members also built a limbo stick and the kids absolutely loved it. The feedback we’ve had was that the kids had a total ball this past weekend.”

There are around 80 junior members in the Fishing & Social Club at the moment, which is far more positive than what it was in 2020.

The next gig on the road for the club is the June long-weekend in a fishing competition against Young District Anglers Club, which kicks off with a meet-and-greet on the Friday.

Around 10 members from each club will take part in a fishing competition of total length caught by each team, on any species.

In 2020, Young smashed their opponents with a 5.925m result and Woolgarlo finished at 1.46m.

Woolgarlo are excited to compete again this year and go better.

Christopher Tan

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