Prime Sheep & Lamb – 2 February 2022
Total Yarding: 12,236
Lamb numbers eased and the quality was mixed. Trade and heavy lambs were well supplied while extra heavy and store lambs were back in volume. Buyers were again looking to buy shorn lambs with the longer skins showing signs of seed infestation. The market sold to a cheaper trend.
The store lambs went against the trend with the lighter lambs $120 to trade-weighted lambs $181/head to return to the paddock. Trade lambs were $4 to $5 cheaper with the trade weights to 24kg cwt $168 to $196 and lambs 24 to 26kg cwt $190 to $218/head averaging 790c/kg cwt. The heavy lambs 26 to 30kg $208 to $228/head. Best of the heavy Merinos reached $199/head.
Mutton numbers lifted and the quality was good with plenty of heavy sheep. Prices were $5 to $10 dearer. Medium weight ewes sold from $94 to long skin Merino reaching $164/head. Heavy crossbred ewes sold to $206/head and heavy Merino wethers $163 to $210/head. Crossbred wethers $218/head.
Prime Cattle – 3 February 2022
Total Yarding: 441
Numbers eased and the quality was good with large lines of feeder cattle. Trade cattle were in limited numbers and grown steers and heifers were in very limited supply. Only 35 cows were penned and included a draft of PTIC cows which sold to a processor. Limited restocking activity on the lighter yearlings resulted in a softening of the feeder prices but the rest of the market sold to stronger trends on the market two weeks ago.
Weaner steers 630c to 720c/kg and heifers 540c to 748c/kg. Medium weight feeder steers 510c to 577c and heavy weights 500c to 590c/kg. Feeder heifers ranged from 487c to 560c/kg.
Grown steers sold from 410c to 460c and steers over 600kg reached 455c/kg. the few grown heifers 360c to 370c/kg. Cows averaged 10c better with the medium weights 285c to 365c for the PTIC cows. Heavyweights 335c to 350c/kg.
Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.