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Riteway loves Yass

Lisa Leaver from Riteway with the popular Luxaflex Duette Shades

The move to Yass, was “one of the best moves I’ve ever made” according to Riteway Curtains and Blinds Owner Allan Smith.

Riteway has been around since 1972, providing curtains, blinds and other related products to the ACT for nearly 50 years.

In 2017, Riteway made the move to put a second display store here in Yass.

When moving to Yass, Allan knew there would be plenty of business in the Yass and Murrumbateman area, but could’ve never imagined how much business he’d get from the other surrounding towns.

“I thought I’d just be doing Yass and Murrumbateman and all that.

“I didn’t realise I’d be doing Bookham, Binolong, Bowning, Harden, Boorowa, Gunning and plenty more.”

“I do a lot of mileage,” he said.

The business was doing so well that original plans to spend one day a week measuring in the Yass Valley and surrounds, were quickly thrown out.

“When we originally opened up I thought I wouldn’t be doing more than a day a week measuring.”

“When we first opened up I was measuring four days a week.”

“We literally made a million dollars in our first year,” said Allan.

Like many businesses in 2020, Riteway experienced a downturn.

“That third year was a bit tougher, we had Covid, we had the bushfires and everything else like that.”

“The whole town stopped for a while there,” he said.

Business is back on the rise for Riteway, as the area begins to feel more comfortable in the post-Covid world, with Allan suggesting his business is successful because of the tailor made service he provides each and every customer.

“All of our products are tailor made, made to measure,” he said.

Riteway are a dealer of the leading window covering business of the world, Hunter Douglas which also trades under the brand name Luxaflex.

Luxaflex takes pride in their products focusing on their three principles of innovation, child safety and sustainability.

Head into the Riteway display store in Yass today, to find the window covering that’s right for your home.

Max O’Driscoll

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