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Remembering those who have given all to protect us

Yass Police held a service for National Police Remembrance Day this morning, September 29th.

This day is of significance throughout Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Samoa and the Solomon Islands. It is a day to honour the lives of Police officers whose lives have been lost in the line of duty. Saint Michael the Archangel is the patron saint of police and September the 29th is Saint Michael’s feast day. Saint Michael is recognised as an archangel by the Christian, Jewish and Islamic Faiths.


The day was first held in 1989, and the tradition has continued until this day.

At the morning service, which began at 8:30, many current Police Officers, former Police Officers, family, friends and invited guests attended to show their respect. In a sign of solidarity, there were other services represented at the ceremony, including the Yass Fire Brigade and the Yass Ambulance Service.

Police Remembrance Day – Senior Constable Mark Anderson lowers the flag at Yass Police Station


The service was presided over by Chaplain Rev Judy Heggart who lead everyone in the police prayer while several of the current police members played a role in the ceremony. For many officers affected by the loss of a colleague, the remembrance ceremony is a solemn and respectful way to honour those lost.


Police Remembrance Day – a small crowd including local officers gather at the Yass Police Station this morning to pay their respects


After the ceremony, the attendees joined each other for morning tea on the front lawn of the Yass Police Station where people could greet each other and share stories.

Currently, the Remembrance Day ceremony is held on the grounds of the Yass Police Station however Acting Inspector Dave Cowell and Sergeant Matt Carroll indicated they would like to hold a larger service in the future; possibly having future services in the church so more people are aware and can come to show their respect.

By Ryan Betts


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