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News from the Yass Valley Vets

Berinba students Heidi Dodds pictured above with Dr Fiona McPhail and Kyla Mumberson pictured below with Dr Stuart Williams, sure look the part at Yass Valley Veterinary along side Dr Fiona McPhail and Dr Stuart Williams.

Dressed up as veterinarians as part of a school fundraiser, all students were asked to dress to show what career they might like to pursue when they grow up.

Receptionist Keeley and Nurse supervisor Danni (pictured below) are doing a fine job modelling the new YVV Client Calendar.

Yass Valley Veterinary put out the talent call a few months ago and had an overwhelming response with over 600 entries.

The calendar was designed by Administration Assistant Cynthia Crisp. Cynthia and Vet Dr Harry had the difficult job of deciding which photos to select.

“I wanted to create something special for our wonderful clients! We see some beautiful animals coming into our hospitals every day and it is such a wonderful feeling to be able to showcase them to all of the Yass Valley,” Ms Crisp said.

These calendars are free and can be collected at either Yass or Murrumbateman veterinary hospital. But be quick because once they are gone, they are gone.


Common Veterinary Issues Affecting Large Animals in our District


Vaccinations are important in helping to prevent some of the more important bacterial and viral diseases that affect livestock in our local region.

Vaccines are generally cheap and a good form of ‘insurance.’

It is important to follow the directions on the pack as far as the correct timing and the correct dose. Some of the more common diseases that vaccines prevent include:

· Clostridial diseases – Pulpy kidney (sudden death in susceptible animals) and Tetanus (lockjaw) are the most common diseases prevented by Clostridial vaccines. Pulpy kidney is one of the biggest killers of livestock in our district, particularly with sudden changes of feed or a change into a good season. Vaccines are available in different combination depending on the species of animal.

· Johne’s disease – an untreatable wasting disease in sheep, cattle, goats & alpacas. Scabiguard vaccine is available for sheep and goats. Lambs and kids need to be vaccinated before 4 months of age.

· Cheesy Gland – causes abscess to form in lymph nodes of sheep & goats. Doesn’t normally cause deaths but reduces the values of carcases through condemnations. Use 6 in 1 vaccine.

· Scabby mouth – a viral infection causing pox like lesions on the sensitive skin of sheep and goats. Usually found around the lips and muzzle of lambs. Scabiguard vaccine is scratched onto the skin of lambs at marking.

· Bovine Viral Diarrhoea – causes abortion and deformed calves in susceptible cattle. Persistently Infected (PI’s) animals harbour & perpetuate the disease. Annual vaccinations with Pestiguard can potentially reduce the crippling effects of this disease.

· Vibriosis – can cause infertility in cattle. An annual vaccination program in bulls can prevent this disease.

Other Diseases

· Brucellosis – ensure rams come from a brucellosis accredited stud to prevent this disease which causes abortion & infertility in sheep. Vaccine not available.

· Footrot – a contagious disease primarily effecting the feet of sheep which can cause severe lameness and suffering. Footrot is a notifiable disease. A vaccine is available. Eradication programs need to be undertaken to control this disease.

· Pinkeye – another contagious debilitating disease causing blindness. The sheep and cattle diseases are caused by different organisms and are spread by flies and dust.

· Metabolic Diseases – Milk Fever (hypocalcaemia) and Grass Tetany (hypomagnesaemia) is caused by mineral imbalances and can lead to rapid death. Mainly affecting cows but occasionally seen in sheep that are yarded for extended periods.


· Internal parasites – intestinal worms and liver fluke cause significant production loss and suffering to farm animals in our local area. Monitoring with faecal egg counts is the most effective way of assessing infection levels. Resistance to drenches is becoming an increasing problem.

· External parasites – includes blowfly strike, lice and mite infestations. Seek veterinary advice if you think your animals are affected with these parasites.

Animal Welfare

As guardian of the livestock under our care we have a moral, legal and ethical responsibility to ensure that they have

· A suitable environment (place to live)

· A suitable diet.

· The ability to exhibit normal behaviour patterns.

· To be housed with, or apart from, other animals (if applicable)

· To be protected from pain, injury, suffering and disease.

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