After the unfortunate end to the Yass Rotary Markets on the 17th of June, many residents in Yass and across the valley may be wondering where to go now for locally produced items and produce. Fortunately, the Murrumbateman Village Market held at the Rec Grounds, typically every second and fourth Saturday of the month, is alive and well, continuing to provide the same stall holders, local charm and high quality, filling the need for a local community market.
The Yass Valley Times attended the Murrumbateman Markets on the 8th of June, talking with organiser and Market’s committee member Matt Townsend about what makes the Murrumbateman Markets special, as well as various vendors, community groups and residents present.
Due to wet, windy and colder weather, not as many stall holders were present for the 8th of June Market, however, many regulars were still present and recognised by attendees and organisers.
“There’s Allan who’s well known around the Yass district with veggies, Frank from the Murray Valley with the broccoli, we have the pork guys down there who comes down to us from Wagga, they raise and butcher their own meat. Allan Stewart, a Yass Resident who provides grass-fed beef, we normally have a bunch of craft stalls here, jewellery, Alpaca wool – they always do well in winter of course – and over here we have some Olive Oil from just in the way to Yass. Range of bread, wines, spreads, pies if you get here in time”, listed Matt.
Other stalls included new vendor Floyd Cross from Crafty Cider. Multiple coffee stalls, Dog Trap Vineyard, vintage homeware, Aylwen Gardiner-Garden from The Flower Deli producing homemade spreads, sauces, cordials and seeds, and many more stalls featuring homemade items and produce.
Among the community groups present included Annalise and Bob from the Murrumbateman Community Association, showcasing plans to the community with a particular focus on the Recreation Grounds and developments for a dog park and playground.
“We’re here working to represent the community and promoting Murrumbateman. We’re trying to get a lot of facilities and activities delivered”, said Annalise,
“We’re here to help. We’re making sure that the community is happy with what facilities are proposed and delivered. We try to come to every market because we’re representing the community, we want to hear from them too, what their concerns are, and it’s a good spot to do it”.

On what makes the markets special, Matt credits both the Recreation grounds as an attraction and scenery, and more importantly, the committee members and community groups who tirelessly organise and set up the markets, thanking them for their efforts in keeping the markets going.

“We’re fortunate here. We have a nice space, and under normal circumstances, the village green here is a really nice space. Old historic oak trees provide a great backdrop and great shelter, we’ve got the stage, and we’ve always got great ambience from the music, in fact, the stage provides a great local venue for artists. There’s a bunch of factors that come together to make this a nice space for the community to come and gather”, said Matt,
“The committee works hard hours, they’re motivated by the fact that this is an opportunity for the community to get together. We’ve got a bunch of people here who are prepared to keep on doing the work, and there’s a fair bit of work to do. It means the markets can continue to work smoothly, and because it can, we have the mechanisms in place, that’s a recipe to continue to succeed.”
“We’re lucky to have – I suppose it’s a virtuous circle – who harness the synergy of the community and have identified enough good people in the community who are prepared to just come together and work synergistically for this event, and because they keep on doing it, it keeps on happening”.
Among the members and groups thanked include the Murrumbateman Scouts, Chris, John and Pauline Thorn, and Dave and Leanne Power.
The Murrumbateman Markets will return on the 22nd of July.
Griffin Palen