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Murrumbateman ladies are set for a social evening with ‘Bubbles & Brushstrokes’

Bubbles and Brushstrokes Set to Hit Murrumbateman

Ladies of Murrumbateman are set to indulge in the ‘Bubbles and Brushstrokes’ event coming up on Saturday April 1st, at the Mururmbateman Rec Hall.

The Ladies of Murrumbateman Events group will join together for an evening of creativity with local artist Dominique Mumberson as she guides the class on how to create amazing paintings to hang in their homes.

All materials will be provided as well as a grazing platter, welcome champagne, prizes and raffles.

The Bubbles and Brushstrokes event also allows like-minded talented local businesswomen a chance to meet one another and network.

The evening will commence from 6pm on the first day of next month and costs $60 per head.

Organiser of the event and Yass Valley Councillor, Kristin Butler, said she was looking forward to the night.

“We started the Ladies of Mururmbateman Events group probably about 18 months ago now. Bubbles and Brushstrokes will be our fourth event we’ve held,” Butler said.

“Primarily, it really is a way to have women in the area be able to connect with each other, especially in Murrumbateman where there’s not a huge amount of public spaces where women can really met each other.

“There wasn’t a school, now there is, but before that there was really nowhere for women to meet.

“We’ve got so many new women and families moving to the area so we thought it would be a good idea to have four events a year.

Organisers Jourdan & Kristen welcomed ladies to their inaugural event in 2021

“We are totally a not-for-profit organisation. We basically meet as a group of friends that get together to do a fun event.

“We obviously sell tickets for the event, which just covers all of our costs and food extras. Any money that gets leftover, we reinvest into more events, or we give it to a women’s charity of choice.

“The events have been really successful. We’ve basically sold out of tickets every time we’ve had an event.

Previous Murrumbateman Ladies event sold out and had a waiting list

“The Bubbles and Brushstrokes event is a little bit different to the other events we’ve had. We really wanted to collaborate with a local artist and we’re trying to support local businesswomen at the moment, especially because of Covid, and there’s been a few women that have really been directly affected by the Murrumbateman Road closures.

“We’ve extended the invitation to a couple of beautiful women winemakers and have been in contact with the lady that runs the chocolate factory to invite them as special guests.”

There is currently just under 500 followers of the Ladies of Murrumbateman Events group and it is well supported by the community.

“We’ve got a lot of followers in the group. Because we usually use the Murrumbateman Rec Hall we have to cap the numbers of how many tickets we can sell because of the size of the venue.

“However, now that the school is built, we might be able to form a relationship with the principal and speak to them about using their hall if we wanted to do a bigger event and invite more people so that can be a possibility.

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“We usually cut the numbers at about 60 people. But because this is a special event where we’re going to have a lot of art and painting, we’re going to cap the numbers at about 40 or 50 this time round.

“In the last 12 hours we’ve already sold 15 tickets so it’s going to sell out really quickly.

“I think the event is a really lovely way to be able to support Dominque Mumberson by paying an artist to come and teach everyone how to paint a beautiful artwork. We’re supporting her but also the community as well.”

Butler also mentioned that the group have also been discussing about taking the events to other towns as well.

“We’d really like to take this on a bit of a roadshow now. We know it’s successful and we know that rural communities really like these events.

We might try and bring an event to other surrounding villages and towns, such as Binalong, Bowning, Gundaroo or Sutton and hire out the hall and just provide an event for those ladies as well.

“So that’s our next chapter that we’re going to be working on within the next 12 months.”

Tim Warren


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