The 42nd Murrumbateman Field Days scheduled on 17-18 October 2020 has been cancelled.
It’s an understandable blow to the Murrumbateman Field Days team who continued planning contingently following the Australian Government announcing COVID-19 restrictions in late March but at 100 days out from the October event and the current NSW Public Health Order (4) only allowing a maximum of 500 ticket holders at non seated events, it became evident it wouldn’t be able to go ahead.
Tom White, Manager of the Murrumbateman Field Days said the Murrumbateman progress association approved the event team to continue planning in April.
“So that if the situation improved and restrictions eased, we would be prepared and ready to deliver a quality event to support the exhibitors,
community groups in their fundraising and local businesses who benefit from the travellers and visitors the field days brings to the area. Murrumbateman Field Days host up to 500 exhibitors on a site spanning 40 hectares and successful delivery of such a large scale event that already relies heavily on volunteers would just not be possible.”
Ensuring public health and safety was paramount in planning for a COVID-safe event and would require increased protections for all attendees including 15,000 visitors from Yass Valley, regional NSW, Canberra and surrounds.
“I’d like to thank all stakeholders who supported our endeavours to deliver the event, exhibitors, service providers, catering and community groups for their drive, in navigating unknown terrain, office staff and volunteer managers who took on extra tasks, and the Murrumbateman Progress Association who granted us time to continue planning,” Mr White said.
Mr White also wanted to acknowledge the industry support they had received from the Association of Agricultural Field Days of Australasia (AAFDA) and knowledge shared by colleagues planning other field days events in Australia and New Zealand.
“While the situation is out of our control and we’re disappointed we won’t be delivering our event this year, we support the public health measures currently in place and trust 2021 will provide us all with an opportunity to grab a field days deal.”