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Mouse Plague Hits Yass

Owner of Jim’s Pest Control- Yass Glen Wynn says the mouse plague affecting much of regional NSW has officially hit the Yass Valley.

“Definitely in the last three weeks, there’s been a significant increase in rodents in Yass, Murrumbateman and the surrounds,” he said.

Compared to a traditional winter of rodent activity, Glen says it’s difficult to compare numbers-wise, but in his opinion, there has been a significant increase in comparison to other winters.

“Well, in winter, we normally see a significant amount of rodent activity as they move into the warmer roof cavities.”

“I can’t really describe it numbers-wise [right now], but it has significantly increased and doesn’t compare to a standard winter,” he said.

Glen says that whilst store-bought baits may be the cheapest alternative, people should be careful with what baits they are using and suggested getting professional advice on what bait to use.

“The first step at the moment is to seek some professional advice, only due to the seriousness of the baiting process,” he said,

Particular care must be taken regarding baits when it comes to households that have pets.

Glen put forward the following things people can do to help protect their property from rodents:

– Keeping all lawns mowed

– Keeping gardens clean and clear

– Putting all their dog food and water away overnight

– Putting everything in airtight lockable containers in the pantries

– Keeping food off the ground

– Regular vacuuming

Whilst these things help minimise the risks of rodent invasion, Glen warned there was no surefire way of protecting your property completely.

“Every house is going to have a tiny crack or crevice that a little mouse can get into; it’s just trying to reduce them being drawn back to the property,” he said.

One Yass resident reported trapping as many as 200 mice in their roof in the past few weeks; with activity like this in May, it could be an ominous warning for the incoming winter.

Max O’Driscoll

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