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Miller’s Pharmacy VIP Christmas shopping event adapts to go ahead

Tables piled high with eye-catching gifts at Miller’s Pharmacy is a sure sign Christmas is just around the calendar corner. Miller’ Pharmacy is a proud supporter of the Yass Valley Times, and our readers will have been pleased to discover the advertised and much anticipated annual VIP shopping event is going ahead – just in a new format. In a year of shutdowns and cancellations, it is heartening to see our local businesses finding new ways to keep traditions going.

Miller’s Pharmacy VIP Shopping Night & Raffle is returning with a new prize pool on offer for 2020, albeit with a new twist in the execution of the event. Customers who usually gather on just one evening will instead see this event run continuously under a new format;

“We traditionally run an afternoon and evening event and have done for many years, but due to the current environment, we’re not able to this year. Instead of having one big event, we’re spreading it over two weeks,” Mr Miller advised. The 20% discount off all giftware and prize-draw raffle will now last until December 6th during all trading hours.

That’s the Christmas Spirit! Miller’s Pharmacy – Karlie Hearne and Leslie Bastock with gifts from under their charity Giving Tree.

Held at Miller’s Pharmacy, 114 Comur Street, various prizes are on offer, with gift packs including skincare lines, both standard and luxury, with its main prize this year definitely one for those who love their high tech gadgets – an apple watch, available as first prize.

While COVID-management has made catering impossible, there is a silver lining for shoppers regarding this year’s arrangements.

“One advantage is that it allows people who wouldn’t have been able to come on the day, to now have the opportunity to come over two weeks to enjoy the same benefits,” Mr Miller said.

Mr Miller does still share some concern over the virus restrictions and their effects on community events, as they may affect the overall tradition and culture of Christmas events in Yass – a night particular and catered only for locals during a special time of the year;

“We’re disappointed we couldn’t run our normal event because it’s a fairly large event, but we’ll still be offering the same service,” Mr Miller wanted to assure customers.

Everything else is still the same service, with options between casual shopping or for those purchasing over $40, they also have a chance to be involved in the draw.

“The main difference is that traditionally we’d serve some nibbles and entertainment on the day, but under Covid rules, we won’t be having any food or refreshments.”

Mr Miller said his team is looking forward to helping make those ‘sometimes tricky’ Christmas purchases easy with a range of gifts for those loved ones who are typically ‘hard to buy for.’

Mr Miller is also expecting strong visitation for fellow CBD shops this year from local residents wanting to avoid the big Canberra crowds and support their community.

“I would anticipate that there’d be more people shopping locally rather than going to packed shopping places,” Mr Miller added.

Along with the chance to win some luxury goods up until December 6th, Miller’s Pharmacy continues its year-round tradition of complimentary gift wrapping.

Miller’s Pharmacy team are once again hosting a charity Giving Tree with presents suitable for children in different age brackets.

We thank the Miller’s Pharmacy team for their continued support of the Yass Valley Times which allows us to be here to celebrate our community’s triumphs, report on our challenges and provide a strong voice for our community when needed.

Griffin Palen


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