Dear Editor,
I read with interest last week’s story of how Council is addressing illegal dumping within our Local Government Area. The matter of illegal dumping is an important one yet Council seems to be focussed only on dirt.
The current position of Council of not accepting asbestos at all, drives Yass and district residents to then have to find ways and means to dispose of asbestos. This can be quite an onerous task and the two options offered by Council of Jugiong and Canberra not always easy and can be quite expensive for small quantities. The easy option we often see on the road side but don’t see what gets buried in paddocks and out of sight. Nobody knows the extent but turning a blind eye is irresponsible.
I have suggested to Council numerous times that it should provide an asbestos skip at Yass Transfer Station. Most of us want to do the right thing and a cost basis fee to dump household asbestos in a skip and then, once full, Council take it to their preferred disposal point cannot be that difficult. It requires a skip, a sign saying “dump asbestos here” and removal of the go away sign at the gate.
Surely it would be easier for Council to organise the combined say 100 plus small quantity lots a skip would hold, then one trip, then for residents and ratepayers to do the 100+ trips .
So how about it Council, take ownership of the problem, accept a good idea and create an asbestos disposal service.
If this could be achieved it is called providing the community with the actual services they require and desire. Both the community and the environment will thank you.
Your ever vigilant ratepayer
Touie Smith snr
Dear Editor,
In response to your recent reader’s enquiry, I am pleased to respond that many of the answers Mr Stuart is searching for are addressed in the latest Council budget which can be easily found on Council’s website. You don’t need to have a Climate Change agenda to see that the Council is committed to making sensible decisions for our environment.
Yass Valley Council’s current budget includes a $130,000 commitment to install solar panels at the sewage and council works building. I thank fellow councillors for their support of my motions over the years to get us to this point. Engineering and business feasibility cases and financial modelling were required to do due diligence to bring us to this point where we can commence a roll out of solar. This is being funded from Reserves and General Revenue – your money at work for both the environment and to improve our financial bottom line. For example, with solar installed at the sewage works savings will be immediate as we heavily reduce the cost of power bills, approximately $100,000 annually at that location alone.
Council is already striving for best practice in environmental consideration, water and energy efficient design for the proposed Crago Precinct Project buildings including the new library. The architects engaged to design these are already in discussions with councillors, staff and community to ensure proposed building orientation, energy efficient features and design values are addressed.
Other environmental works and passive solar energy projects budgeted for this year include Yass Dam Riparian Vegetation Improvement $20,000, Yass River Catchment Improvement $20,000, Roadside Reserve Priority Weed Control $100,000, and Yass Pool Solar Blanket roller replacement $15,000.
Guiding the decisions for this budget is our Community Strategic Plan. This plan is regularly refreshed and needs your input. It is a plan which lays out what we want our community to be like in 10 years’ time and well beyond…It’s a great opportunity to have your say on how Council addresses every aspect of life in Yass Valley.
Councillor Jasmin Jones