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Kristy McBain meets with Business Owners and Yass Valley’s newest centurion


Federal MP for Eden-Monaro Kristy McBain spent much of her day in the Yass Valley on Friday.

Beginning the morning in Murrumbateman, she had a mobile office set up at the Jones Park Rest Area to hear community concerns regarding the planned upgrades to the Barton Highway and the potential implications for Murrumbateman.

Later in the day, McBain spent time at Tootsie Cafe in Yass with Yass business leaders Chamber Vice President Jim Hutton, Adrienne Steward, Stan Waldron, Peter Walker, and Councillor and Yass Valley Times Editor Jasmin Jones.

At the meeting, the group discussed various issues relating to conducting business in Yass and put forward suggestions on how the Federal Government could help resolve or minimise the effects of these issues.

Water was a significant point of contention, with the business leaders all agreeing that improving the water situation could have an immense impact on the total economy of Yass, with McBain supporting this view.

The Federal member surmising that the water situation in Yass and many other issues relating to regional areas do not get solved because the return on investment for the Government is lower, a perspective that she would like to see changed soon.

“If we are constantly looking at it on a return-on-investment basis, from a regional area, it never stacks up.”

“We actually have to look at doing it differently from now on,” she said.

She finished her day at the Thomas Eccles Gardens- RSL LifeCare facility, sharing a cup of tea with centurion John Cockburn, who pledged his support for McBain at the impending Federal election.

Federal Member Kristy McBain handing over a good vintage to Yass centurion and WWII Veteran John Cockburn at Thomas Eccles Gardens, Linton Village

Max O’Driscoll

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