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Jim Abbey for Yass Valley Council

A born and bred local, Jim Abbey loves living in Yass. Now he says he finally has the time to realise his aspirations to stand for Council and put something back into the Yass Valley community.

“I consider that if elected my country and now town perspective as well as my diverse career background would stand me in good stead as a Yass Valley Councillor,” he said.

Jim plans to make a strong contribution to progressing several matters including the condition of some buildings in Comur Street, the quality of Yass water, and the condition of the Soldiers Memorial Hall.

He also wishes to progress the development of the Crago Mill Precinct, the ongoing program of fixing local roads, the realization of a playground for Murrumbateman and addressing the rate of progress of the Barton Highway duplication.

Jim said he plans to work as a team to strive to achieve the best possible outcomes for the residents and ratepayers of the Yass Valley LGA.

He has spent most of his life living and working in the Yass and Canberra area apart from attending university in Sydney and a more recent stint living in Coffs Harbour.

“I’m really loving living here because I like to exercise and so it’s nice to be able to walk pretty much everywhere.”

A man of many hats, Jim has a very diverse career background having worked as a librarian, policy officer with the department of community services and health, primary industries and energy, family and community services, Indigenous Affairs, and as a fine wool producer.

He also owned and directed a nearly 70 place early childhood centre in Tuggeranong for seven years. Jim said his proudest career achievement was attaining accreditation of his centre twice through the Commonwealth government’s quality assurance scheme.

“It’s an absolute privilege to be responsible for the care and early education outcomes of the children in my centre,” he said. “We really provided quality care and education for those families.”

By Brianna O’Rourke

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