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Headspace finds itself a home in Yass, but how much longer will our youth have to wait?

An ABC article from August 2019 described the youth mental health situation in Yass as dire.

Two years later, the headspace office Yass was promised in the May 2019 Federal election by the coalition, is yet to arrive. With the present lockdown undoubtedly fuelling feelings of isolation and loneliness amongst our youth, the office is perhaps more needed now than ever before.

While confirming that a lease on their new office at 10 Crago Street has been agreed upon, Gail Davies, who will manage the Yass office once it’s up and running, said it could come as late as the end of November.

“The building itself is going to be on Crago Street and we’ve got the lease all sorted. We’re in the process now of working with the headspace national office, in terms of how we set up the office, the look and the feel.”

“Without any further delay from Covid, we’re hoping that by the end of November at the very latest we can have that building open and operating three days a week,” she said.

Gail said finding a place to lease and finalising the lease agreement has been the source of the significant delay. She hopes now that the lease is sorted, the office will be ready for use in the near future.

“I’m hoping that if everything is on track, they’re actually going to start the refurbishment work either next week or the week after.”

“I’m excited. I’ve been waiting for this and so has the community,” she said.

In the meantime, local counselling appointments can be organised through headspace Goulburn, with private sessions running out of the Yass Wellness Centre. The originally two-day a week program has recently moved to three days a week to allow for the local demand.

While this is certainly a positive step in the right direction, the longer this lockdown continues, the more strain there will be on the youth of Yass and its surrounding areas. Additionally, for those HSC students who are in the midst of a stressful period of their lives without even considering the ongoing lockdown, access to a vital support service cannot come soon enough.

The people of Yass have waited long enough now for these services. Let’s hope our youth are getting the support they need in the meantime.

Max O’Driscoll

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