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Gundaroo expansion halted

Correspondence from the State Government’s Department of Planning, Infrastructure & Environment has advised a planning proposal concerning land at Gundaroo should not go ahead and was noted at the last meeting of Yass Valley Council.

It states, “In June 2020 Council supported a draft planning proposal for part of ‘Coolawin’, 208 Sibley Road, Gundaroo to be rezoned from RU1 Primary Production (40 ha) to R5 Large Lot Residential (2ha) and resolved that: 1. Draft Planning Proposal (PP.2016.02) be endorsed and forwarded to the Minister for Planning & Public Spaces to request a Gateway determination pursuant to s3.34 Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 as the proposal:  – Is consistent with the objectives of the Gundaroo and Sutton Master Plans of containing the size and restricting the expansion of the village and provides a transition between the village zone and the primary production zone.”

It goes on to state, “The Gundaroo Masterplan be revised/amended to include the subject land to accommodate rural residential development if the Planning Proposal is approved.”

Staff were then required to bring back to Council a report based on the Town and Villages Study 2010 outlining arguments for and against the rezoning of the draft Planning Proposal (PP.2016.02)

On 10 November 2020, the Department of Planning, Industry & Environment advised that the Planning Proposal should not proceed.

According to the Yass Valley Council Business paper, “Based on this advice the need to revise/amend the Gundaroo Master Plan and a further report on the Town & Villages Study are no longer required.”

A letter from the office of Planning Industry and Environment responded with a number of statements regarding the potential development. They included, “Council has not provided adequate justification for the proposed amendment, including demonstrating the strategic needs for the planning request to meet housing demand.”

“The site has limited access to infrastructure and services (water and sewer)” and that there is “Already sufficient urban zoned land located in the north and south Gundaroo urban release areas to meet projected housing demand until 2036.”

A further 7 points were highlighted by the Executive Director of Local regional Planning, Department of Planning Industry and Environment.

According to the Business paper, “There is provision for either Council or the proponent to seek a review of a Gateway Determination. It is not intended that Council seek a review given the site was not originally identified within the Gundaroo Masterplan, however, the proponent may choose to pursue a review.”


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