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Goulburn Seat in Limbo as Tuckerman and Pilbrow Await NSW Election Results

Whilst Labor dominated across the state in the recent State Election, building a red wall across New South Wales, the seat of Goulburn is still up for grabs.

It’s the most westerly seat Labor still has a chance to claim.

Labor’s Chris Minns was elected premier of NSW after a big swing against the sitting Coalition government.

Although a number of Labor MPs were sworn in yesterday, at the time of print they were still two seats short of a majority.

The party now controls all states and territories on mainland Australia, however, at the time of writing the Yass Valley’s electorate of Goulburn is still in limbo, with sitting Liberal MP Wendy Tuckerman holding a slender lead over Labor candidate for Goulburn Michael Pilbrow.

Counting resumed first thing on Monday morning, with Tuckerman holding a 306-vote lead over Pilbrow.

With 65.7% of votes counted or approximately 2/3rds as of Monday afternoon, Tuckerman held 16,457 votes to Pilbrow’s 16,151.

The stats mean Tuckerman holds 50.5% of the preference count, while Pilbrow narrowly trails on 49.5%.

However, while the results aren’t final as of yet, Labor will be brimming with pride over their election campaign for Goulburn, with the ALP forcing a 2.6% swing in their favour since the last election.

In terms of first preference votes, Tuckerman received 14,714 votes holding 40.1%, while Pilbrow follows next with 13,273 or 36.2%.

Shooters, Fishers and Farmers’ Andrew Wood holds 5,160 (14.1%) of first preference votes, while Greens’ Gregory John Olsen holds 2,439 (6.7%).

On Saturday night, Pilbrow spoke to his team in Goulburn where they held an election party.

Michael Pilbrow amongst the party faithful at Goulburn on Saturday night

“We’ve had a great result here in Goulburn tonight and an outstanding win for a Minns Labor Government for NSW,” Mr Pilbrow said.

“Thank you to all our volunteers. We’ve had wonderful results in some booths we’ve never won before. We’ve had massive swings in booths all over the electorate.

“What this result shows is that the people of Goulburn, like the people across the whole of NSW, has resonated with Labor’s offer for a fresh start for NSW and really caring about the issues that matter to people locally, like the state of our roads and the quality of our water.

“It’s looking positive for Goulburn, but there’s still a lot of votes to count.”

It will be interesting to see the results pan out over the next few days.

Tim Warren

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