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Easter Messages from Some Of Our Local Churches

With Easter coming up this weekend, from Good Friday, Easter Saturday, Easter Sunday, and Easter Monday, The Times checked in with some local churches for some seasonal messages, which are included below.

Yass Vine Church:


From our family, and our Vine Church crew to everyone in the beautiful Yass Valley, a very happy and blessed Easter!!

There will be Easter Eggs, Easter Bunnies,  parties and getting together with family and friends, But my friends, I so want to remind you that the Truth of Easter is first and foremost the commemoration of a Father who loves us so much that He sent His only begotten Son JESUS to die for us, to take upon Himself, the sins and sicknesses of all of us, and  to be raised from the dead VICTORIOUS over the trickery of the devil.

Do you know that Palm Sunday celebrates His triumphant entry into Jerusalem, Easter Friday commemorates His death on the cross, but three days later, He rose again. He is now at the right hand of Father God as our grand attorney and He loves everyone equally!!

Friends, you may or may not love or even believe in Jesus, His Father and the Holy Spirit, BUT that does not change the reality that He loves you, no matter what.  Of course, there are things He would prefer you not to do, but He is all loving, all forgiving and all protecting if we will just ask for Him to all of those things. JESUS IS REAL, HE IS OUR SAVIOUR, AND HE IS OUR GREATEST FRIEND. If you want to find out more about the true meaning of Easter, among all the Easter festivities, take some time to find out about Jesus.

We at Vine Church don’t bang on about religion, we talk about a loving relationship with God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We talk about helping everyone we can in any way we can. and that includes you. After all, that is what JESUS would do.

Please feel free to join us at Vine Church for our EASTER FRIDAY SERVICE at 10AM and our EASTER SUNDAY SERVICE at 10AM.  Vine Church 11472 wee Jasper Road.  We have wonderful facilities, a playground for the kids, and Plenty of room for everyone!!

EVERYONE is welcome at Vine Church

Enjoy your Easter break, and we hope to see you soon.

Blessings to everyone, Pastor Gary & Raylene Brown.


St Andrews Uniting Church, Yass: 

Jesus is the Reason for the Season

Easter is more than just chocolate, Easter eggs and a holiday. But for Jesus, we would have none of this – not even the four-day “holiday”.

It is because of Jesus, the Son of God, dying on the cross in agony and shame, for us, that we might have eternal life. And so, we remember His death, and then celebrate His resurrection on Easter Sunday.

Christians understand this season as a time, first of all, to reflect on our lives and to become aware of the areas in our live which are less than satisfactory in terms of spiritual growth and our growth as persons and our relationship with God.

It is a time of penitence – of expressing sorrow to God, and to those whom we have hurt in some way.

It is also a time when we reflect in a special way on what God has done for us and how God has shown love for us through the life – and especially through the suffering and death – of the Son Jesus Christ.

We encourage you to connect with a church over this Easter Season.

Suzie and Owen Graham

Everyone at the Yass Valley Times wishes a safe and happy Easter period for the whole community.

Tim Warren

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