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Council sets the rates to reap $11.26 million

Picture of Yass Valley Council administration building

Councillors set the rates to reap $11.26 million for the year 

At its Wednesday night meeting, Council adopted the 2020/21 Operational Plan which included setting the rates for the year.

The Operational Plan includes the Council’s detailed annual budget and Statement of Revenue Policy, including the proposed rates, fees and charges for the financial year.

Rates increased by 2.6 per cent in line with the Rates Cap set for Councils in NSW. The Special Rate Variation has now ended. Council has recently updated its hardship policy in response to COVID-19 and anyone experiencing hardship can apply for assistance for the deferral of rates.

Farmers base rate was set at $687, non-urban residential at $448, residential at $681, business rates at $681 with the exception of businesses in Sutton & Gundaroo at $448.

Domestic kerbside collection was set at $407, water availability charge was set at $490 with water usage charge per kilolitre for the first 5 kl per day set at $3.50

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