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Council inspects Commercial Hotel

Council has carried out a safety inspection of the Commercial Hotel after concerns were raised regarding the current condition of the façade including damaged iron lacework, broken glass windows and dangling light fixtures over the Lead Street footpath.


Yass Valley Council’s Director of Planning and Environment Julie Rogers also confirmed the building’s future has not progressed any further such as a development application.

“We can’t confirm names and things like that, but we have spoken recently to the current landowner, and we’re not aware of any development applications being prepared,” she said.

There have been recent concerns raised regarding the safety of the building for pedestrians passing by, and Council has taken that up.

“There was a recent inspection undertaken with the landowner just in relation to building safety.”

“He [the landowner] did the inspection with the Council, we talked to him about any issues, and he’s always cooperative in terms of any rectification that needs to be done.”

“There’s no significant issues in terms of building safety at the moment but it is an ongoing discussion,” said Julie.

Whilst the Council shares the view that it is important to see something done with the building, they are not the landowner.

“It’s really up to the owner or an applicant to come forward with a proposal.”

“The view of Council is essentially, if they were to come forward with a proposal for the site, we would work with them to get an outcome on the land,” the director advised.

Whilst Yass’ town strip is home to some great pubs, the absence of an active Commercial Hotel remains a significant detraction from the main street’s appeal.

Do you have an opinion to share on the old Commercial Hotel building? Please send it in writing to

Max O’Driscoll



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