Heritage Grants – Four Binalong buildings scooped almost three-quarters of the meagre pool of $19,000 council contributes to heritage rescue projects. More details available below.
Fixing Local Roads – Council will chip in $800,000 to add to $5.54 million dollars from the State government under the Fixing Local Roads grant program to reseal and rehabilitate 64 kilometres of road.
Paths, Parks and Light projects funding boost – Council also accepted $857, 227 in federal funding. The big-ticket item is a 470K upgrade of 951 street lights to LED. This project could generate savings of around $60,000 a year. Council resolved to place that amount in an appropriate reserve for the provision of future community facilities. Council did not identify where that money would come from. Council resolved to construct 758 metres of shared pathways in Sutton, Binalong and Yass, update BBQ’s in Coronation Park Yass and replace play equipment in Binalong; and it will spend about $80K on weed spraying.
‘Sitting ducks’ warn residents – Council heard from Binalong residents who feared they were “sitting ducks” due to the frequency and severity of vehicle accidents involving cars leaving the road at Fitzroy Street and Burley Griffen Way. Councillors voted to bring a report on the options for the installation of safety barriers and the potential sources of funding will be presented to the August Ordinary Meeting of Council. It was noted that meetings have already been organised with Transport for NSW to request a temporary and a permanent solution.
Waste not wanted As no expressions of interest were received, the operation of a reuse/recycling facility at the Yass Transfer Station will be further discussed and considered at a Councillor Workshop.
Gundaroo gets fence repair Approximately 20 metres of tree damaged fence located at the eastern end of the northern boundary fence adjoining the Gundaroo Common will be repaired by Council to assist with preventing damage to headstones in the Cemetery by livestock from the adjoining land.
Council also resolved that the two gate entry points providing access between the Gundaroo Cemetery and the Gundaroo Common be removed and the void fenced with a similar material.
Councillors accept pay freeze but don’t take a cut – Councillors adopted the decision of the Local Government Remuneration Tribunal that there will be no increase in Councillor Fees and Mayoral Allowance for 2020/21 but neither did they opt to reduce their allowance which is allowable. As a result, the annual payment will remain at $12,160 for Councillors, $26,530 for the Mayor and $1,500 from the Mayoral Allowance for the Deputy Mayor will be paid in arrears in equal monthly instalments.
Council meeting briefs – Wednesday, 22 July 2020 as provided by Council below
2020/21 Local Heritage Grants Program
Six local heritage projects have received $19,000 in funding under Council’s 2020/21 round of Local Heritage Grants Program:
· The Binalong Court House – $4,000.
The Binalong Mechanics Institute – $2,900.
· The Royal Hotel Binalong – $3,200.
· St Patricks Church Binalong – $3,500.
· Uniting Church Yass – $4,000.
· Sutton Public School – $1,400.
In the event one of these projects does not proceed, funding to a maximum of $4,000 will be provided to an applicant for works on a heritage house in Orion Street. Council also resolved that discussion with the Heritage Advisor be included in the selection criteria as a matter for consideration in determining funding for future programs and in exceptional circumstances, payment in arrears may be considered for priorities not awarded in the first round.
Fixing Local Roads Grants Program
Grant funding of $5,540,000 has been received by Council under the first round of the NSW Government’s Fixing Local Roads Grant Program. The funding will enable Council to reseal 56km of road and rehabilitate 8km of road in the Yass Valley Local Government Area. The total cost under this program will be $6,340,000, of which Council will contribute $800,000 from the Development Contributions Reserve.
Local roads and Community Infrastructure Program
Council also accepted funding of $857, 227 provided by the Australian Government under the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program. Here is a breakdown of how Council will spend the funding:
· LED Upgrade of Council’s Street Lighting – $472,341.
· Construction of a shared path between Nash Place to Yass Valley Way then to Grand Junction Road – 130m – $35,000.
· Construction of a shared path in Dutton Street, Yass between Rossi Street to Riverbank Park – 200m- $55,000.
· Construction of a shared path in Victoria Street, Sutton from Sutton Public School to Bywong Street – 136m – $45,000.
· Construction of a shared path in Victoria Street, Sutton from Bywong Street to Recreation Grounds – 162m – $50,000.
· Construction of a shared path in Queen Street, Binalong from Fitzroy Street to Richmond Street, including ramps and refuge – 130m – $40,000.
· Upgrade of BBQ equipment Coronation and Riverbank Parks – $20,000.
· Playground Equipment replacement – Binalong – $60,000.
· Roadside weed management program – $79,886.
Council also resolved that the savings from the LED upgrade of street lighting be placed in an appropriate reserve for the provision of future community facilities.
Expression of Interest – Operation of Reuse/Recycle Facility
As no expressions of interest were received, the operation of a reuse/recycling facility at the Yass Transfer Station will be further discussed and considered at a Councillor Workshop.
Gundaroo Cemetery Fence
Approximately 20 metres of tree damaged fence located at the eastern end of the northern boundary fence adjoining the Gundaroo Common will be repaired by Council to assist with preventing damage to headstones in the Cemetery by livestock from the adjoining land.
Council also resolved that the two gate entry points providing access between the Gundaroo Cemetery and the Gundaroo Common be removed and the void fenced with a similar material.
Councillor fees 2020/21
Councillors adopted the decision of the Local Government Remuneration Tribunal that there will be no increase in Councillor Fees and Mayoral Allowance for 2020/21. As a result, the annual payment will remain at $12,160 for Councillors, $26,530 for the Mayor, and $1,500 from the Mayoral Allowance for the Deputy Mayor will be paid in arrears in equal monthly instalments.
Notice of Motion – safety barriers on Burley Griffin Way, Binalong
A report on the options for the installation of safety barriers in the vicinity of Fitzroy Street and Burley Griffin Way, Binalong and the potential sources of funding will be presented to the August Ordinary Meeting of Council.