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Community invited to join Yass Valley Open Space Strategy and Yass Main Street Masterplan Committees

Yass Valley Council is inviting the community to apply to join the Yass Valley Open Space Strategy Committee and Yass Main Street Masterplan Committee.

“Committee members will play a significant role in making Yass Valley a better place to live and visit,” said Yass Valley Council General Manager Chris Berry. “Up to five community members will join each committee and don’t require previous committee experience.

“The role will suit anyone who lives in the Yass Valley and is passionate about improving our parks, recreational areas and main street of Yass; from parents and carers, to business owners and young people.”

Council has appointed consultants Parkland Planners and Otium to assist with the Yass Valley Open Space Strategy and sala4D to assist with the Yass Main Street Masterplan.

 Yass Valley Open Space Strategy Committee

Minimum two meetings (meeting to review the draft strategy and meeting to review submissions and draft prior to reporting to Council). Any other meetings as required during the life of the project.

The committee will consist of:

  • Five community members.
  • Members will:
    • Provide input and advice on the development of the Yass Valley Open Space Strategy.
    • Assist with determining recommendations and projects for the implementation of the strategy.
    • Act as champions of the project within the broader community.
  • The strategy will:
    • Ensure a more equitable distribution of high-quality, accessible open space that is financially and environmentally sustainable across the Yass Valley.
    • Ensure Yass Valley’s open space network is connected and encourages improved community health outcomes through active and passive recreation.
    • Establish and manage open space to protect natural, cultural, or heritage values.

The final strategy will establish a strategic framework for the acquisition of new open space assets by Council, together with the level of facilities required (ie. play equipment, barbecues). It will also include a plan to identify a schedule of short, medium and long-term priority projects to activate or embellish existing open space.

Yass Main Street Masterplan

Minimum three meetings (preliminary consultation meeting, meeting to review draft masterplan, meeting to review submissions). Any other meetings as required during the life of the project.

The committee will consist of:

  • A Yass Valley Business Chamber representative.
  • A Yass and District Historical Society representative.
  • A Yass Valley resident who has lived experience with a physical disability and who can provide advice on access issues.
  • Two small business owners.
  • Two residents.

 Members will:

  • Provide input and advice to Council and staff on the development of the Yass Main Street Masterplan.
  • Assist in determining recommendations and projects for the implementation of the masterplan.
  • Act as champions of the project within the broader community.

The masterplan will:

  • Identify the strengths/weaknesses/opportunities/threats (SWOT).
  • Locate underground and aboveground assets (ie. water, sewer, NBN).
  • Identify and provide recommendations for parking and pedestrian accessibility.
  • Provide recommendations for pedestrian pavement renewal.
  • Provide recommendations for improvements to roundabouts.
  • Provide recommendations for increased seating and outdoor dining opportunities.
  • Provide concept designs and locations for street furniture.
  • Audit signage and structure within road reserves.
  • Provide a water-sensitive landscape and street tree plan.
  • Recommend power pillar locations to accommodate outdoor markets/events.
  • Provide recommendations for public toilet/amenities upgrades.
  • Provide recommendations for incorporating technology (ie. wifi, sensors/real-time information to support asset maintenance)
  • Provide recommendations for improvements to the laneway between Comur Street and Yass Valley Library.
  • Provide recommendations for embellishments and improvements to Banjo Paterson Park, including im- proved integration with Comur and Meehan Streets.
  • Provide recommendations for improvements to thermal comfort within the main street (ie. wind breaks, shade).
  • Provide recommendations for streetlight design.
  • Provide concept designs and recommendations for locations of town entry.
  • Identify locations for public art. Applications close at 5:00 pm on 21 January 2022.

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