Photo: Patron Marion McCarthy presenting Anne Pigram with Life Membership of the YDHS (Supplied)
The Yass and District Historical Society held its much deferred Annual General Meeting on November 4.
The pandemic had forced the postponement last year but a small group of members who braved the weather this year were able to elect Adrian Cameron as President, Cheryl Mongan as Vice President, and a very welcome newcomer to the committee, Tanya Cullen as Secretary.
Maureen Collins generously agreed to take the position of Treasurer and Judith Davidson remains Publicity Officer.
Outgoing Treasurer Anne Pigram was honoured with Life Membership after twelve years of dedicated service.
Cheryl Mongan was also thanked for her outstanding service as President for the past six years.
Energy and initiative will be needed to address several issues facing the YDHS.
The Yass and District Museum run by the YDHS had to close its doors due to Covid restrictions which also impeded work on the new Hamilton Hume exhibition.
The Museum is planning to open in February 2022 with revised plans for an exhibition showcasing Yass Personalities from the Past whilst retaining features of the popular Shearsby exhibition and a modified Hamilton Hume display.
Whilst relying on a dedicated team of YDHS volunteers to assist as exhibition guides to enable the Museum to open on weekends and public holidays, new members wanting to get involved with the fascinating history of Yass and District are very welcome to contact President Adrian Cameron at
The state of the Yass Soldiers’ Memorial Hall, a war memorial and iconic heritage building, has been a major concern for the Society.
The safety from water damage of the precious records, documents and artefacts of the district housed in the building was also a significant issue.
On November 16 it was confirmed that the submission of an Expression of Interest was lodged by the Council with Create NSW to obtain a substantial grant enabling the restoration of the Hall.
Whilst the outcome is yet to be announced the YDHS wishes to thank the dedicated Yass Valley Council team who have worked tirelessly to ensure a detailed and convincing submission was put together to hopefully ensure the future of the Hall.
Should, as hoped, the grant application be successful, then a home for the Archives’ resources and its team of volunteer researchers while the major work is carried out and into the future will provide a major challenge to the YDHS committee and members.
By Judith Davidson | Publicity Officer | YDHS