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“Both the community and Council never gave up” Yass Valley schools receive $871,306 for pedestrian safety upgrades

Yass Valley Council has been successful in applying for an $871,306 grant from the Federal and NSW Governments’ 2021/22 School Zone Infrastructure Sub-Program.

The grant will be used to improve pedestrian safety at Yass Public School, Berinba Public School, Gundaroo Public School and Mt Carmel School.

Mt Carmel School – $64,000 to upgrade the children’s crossing and hire a crossing supervisor.

The projects include:

  • Yass Public School – $530,000 – increase car parking including separated teacher parking, install a ‘kiss and drop’ zone and relocate bus stop with safety barriers to Laidlaw Street.
  • Berinba Public School – $213,306 – install 450 metres of shared pathway between Morton Avenue and Church Street and install safe pedestrian crossings at intersections.
  • Gundaroo Public School – $64,000 – install pedestrian refuge in front of the school, install ‘kiss and drop’ zone and disabled car park, and relocate the bus stop.
  • Mt Carmel School – $64,000 – upgrade the children’s crossing and hire a crossing supervisor.

    Berinba Public School – $213,306 – install 450 metres of shared pathway between Morton Avenue and Church Street and install safe pedestrian crossings at intersections.
Clr Jasmin Jones – Local Traffic Committee Chair

Local Traffic Committee Chair, Councillor Jasmin Jones, welcomed the funding and commended the proposed works designed to enhance safety for children and parents.

“It is deeply satisfying to see significant funds secured to address the community’s top safety concerns around many of our local schools,” Cr Jones said.

Yass Valley Council, Transport for NSW and the local community have been advocating for funding to improve the student drop-off and pick-up zone at Yass Public School for more than ten years.

“Both the community and Council never gave up on this problem and have been working together towards this result for some time. The safety concerns raised by parents, bus drivers and the school principal have guided every attempt by Council to engage with the then Roads and Maritime Services and now Transport for NSW to bring about a safer design,” Cr Jones said.

“Special mention needs to go to Council’s Road Safety Officer Meryl Hinge and Engineer Terry Cooper for securing the grant and guiding the design process. Their assistance to the Yass Valley Traffic Facilities Committee, which advises Council, has been invaluable.”

Gundaroo Public School – $64,000 – install pedestrian refuge in front of the school, install ‘kiss and drop’ zone and disabled car park, and relocate the bus stop.
YPS School Principal Michelle Fahey

Yass Public School Principal Michelle Fahey said staff and families were really excited by the funding and relieved students would be safe now and into the future.

“The Yass Public School car park has become increasingly busy as our school population has grown by a third in the past few years.

Morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up will be very positively impacted by the newly announced, successful School Zone Infrastructure Sub-Program,” Mrs Fahey said.

Mrs Fahey said the school and Council worked together to find the best option to ease traffic problems for families, pedestrians and buses trying to use the drop-off and pick-up zone at the same time.

“The Council has come up with a great plan for improving the shared zones and has secured the funding to complete the project,” Mrs Fahey said.

The school upgrades will take place between 1 January and 30 June 2022.

Yass Public School – $530,000 to increase car parking including separated teacher parking, install a ‘kiss and drop’ zone and relocate bus stop with safety barriers to Laidlaw Street.

Council will continue to work with the schools to minimise disruption to learning and reinforce new road safety principles.


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