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Binalong Needs Yass Valley Council To Support Its Future

2024 World Sand Greens Championship Brett Rankin

Binalong Community Club Golf President Michael Brayshaw said that everything was coming along really well for the Women’s Golf Tournament set down for March.

“We are very lucky that we have had some rain and that has the course growing again, which is a good thing.

“We are still in the middle of trying to source partner sponsors. It’s been a bit challenging over the Christmas break when everyone shuts shop for a few weeks.

“If anybody wants to get on board and sponsor they can get in contact with me and I can give them the various levels of partnership.

Yass Council offered some nominal sponsorship to the men’s competition in late 2024 and with the Binalong course becoming a Mecca for golf for men and women, the club is no doubt hopeful of a strong contribution from council for what is becoming a regionally recognised event.

“The naming rights of the men’s last year was Will Kelly and Angus Graham of Woodstock Resources. Will Kelly’s mother Fran’s name became the inaugural trophy known as the Fran Kelly trophy.

Michael said, “They will be going again for the men’s this year.”

He said, “The other thing we are looking for is billets and people that want to put some of these girls up. They come off the NSW Open at Wollongong before heading to South Africa for a tournament over there.

“A lot of these professional golfers live on pretty much nothing, so if anyone is keen to billet they can get in touch with Jan Giles on 0427 272 112.

There’s plenty of challenges the small committee faces, especially with the weather gods.

“The course was starting to dry out with these hot and windy days. It was always a concern coming into March that it could be a dust bowl, but if we can keep jagging a few showers here and there, then the course won’t look too bad. It is pretty good at the moment.

“We started to upgrade a couple of sand greens, but we were unable to get any machinery on them because you could push a probe down 1.8 metres.

“Hopefully the week of, it’s dry and the weather is kind to us.

“It’s a three day tournament plus the Pro Am. The final day is on the Saturday and we will have a Pink day where everybody wears pink.

“We are doing a sportsman’s dinner on the Thursday night with proceeds going to the McGrath Foundation. We will have a guest speaker, but the speaker hasn’t been confirmed just yet.

“The Pro Am is on the Wednesday and the Tournament is Thursday, Friday, Saturday. A Calcutta will be on the Friday night.

“The Wednesday draws will be on as well. It’s currently at $16,000, so could be anything by then.

“We will be operating a full kitchen for the week and there will be market stalls on the Saturday. There will also be a coffee van.

“It looks to be a big event. There’s $175,000 prize pool.

“We are hoping Yass Council will get on board again.

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