1st Murrumbateman Scouts brought the community together after inviting all children, whether scouts or not, to join them for their Kub Kar rally. The Murrumbateman Cub scouts have a long history of returning triumphant from Cub car rallies across NSW and finally, have their very own Kub Kar tracks.

The event was a huge success and created some proud and smiling winners, who were congratulated and presented with trophies by Mayor Allan McGrath. 

During the morning session, Jasper Jones came 1st for the fastest car, and Dion Hahir-Nielson 2nd for the fastest car. Mila Garrety won the best design. 

Mayor Allan McGrath awards the trophy for the fastest car in the morning session to Jasper Jones

Jasper shared his winning secret: “Put all the weight at the back of the car, slapping your knees as they go so the vibration makes it go faster.”

Mila’s dad said that their family have recently moved to the area and came to the event after finding it on the community noticeboard.

Mila Garrety receiving a trophy for ‘best designed’ car from Mayor Allan McGrath

During the afternoon session, Bella Gibbs came 1st, Arlo Garrety came 2nd, and Ivy Fitzpatrick came 3rd.

Ivy Fitzpatrick, Bella Gibbs, Arlo Garrety

At the end of the day there was a fastest overall car ‘race off’ between Jasper Jones and Dion Hahir-Nielson, who won overall and took home the 1st Murrumbateman Scout group ‘Bill Wheatley Motors Cup.’

Dion Hahir-Nielson overall winner with fastest car on the day

While not a Scout himself, Dion has a family connection to the new tracks.

“My Grandad helped make these tracks, they’re pretty cool,” he said.

“Put as much stickers on the car as you can, for weight, anywhere really. Try as hard as you can, if you don’t win you don’t win, and if you do you’re lucky,” was Dion’s advice to other racers. 

Despite his big win, Dion said the best part of the day was probably the biscuits!

1st Murrumbateman Scouts Leader Tracy Mellifont says the event’s success was all thanks to the committee.

“It was Leanne and Katie who organised the tracks with the men’s shed. We got some funding— Council organised the funding, we didn’t have to. So, we bought cars, then tried to borrow tracks, but then worked out we actually had enough money to build tracks,” said Tracy. 

Linda Petty, the regional Cub Scout leader, gave the Murrumbateman Scouts a set of plans. They then asked the men’s shed whether they could make them. 

“They weren’t quite sure what it was that we were asking, so I went into Canberra and borrowed a set of tracks. We set them up, played with them for a bit, and then they decided that they could build us three sets. Now we can host competitions in the region,” said Tracy. She is excited to begin getting in touch with Cub Scout leaders in the region to let them know Murrumbateman now has tracks and will be hosting future rallies. 

Tracy explained Kub Kar rallies are an international tradition for Scouts. There are international competitions, and the kits provided to Scouts all come from Canada because they have to be consistent. In Canada, they’re called Pinewood Darby races instead of Kub Kar rallies. 

“There’s movies about it and everything,” added Tracy. 

Tracy said that the secret to Murrumbateman’s continued success in Kub Kar rallies across the region is their focus on science.

“We really go into the science and the physics of it. There’s a fabulous video by a science educator called Mark Rober, and we show the cubs the video every year. It really goes into them, in a fun, ‘kid’ way, how to make a fast car using physics. And Murrumbateman, because we do focus on the science, often win, as you know!”

Jayden Lantonkpode races his own car to the finish line

Children from the community who had not previously participated in a Scout event enjoyed the Kub Kar rally. 

“The point was to invite the community to come and join in the fun parts of what we do,” said 1st Murrumbateman Scouts treasurer Katie Stuart.

Katie explained that Murrumbateman Scouts had been planning on doing a community Kub Kar event, but it was made even better when Council offered to fund it if they held it during the school holidays. 

Ezra Fitzpatrick decorating her car

“That made us able to get our own tracks and get more cars,” said Katie. She explained that some of the Murrumbateman Cubs, including her son spent several weeks getting the cars ready.

“They pre-made the cars because obviously kids here today wouldn’t have time to cut them, and for us to make that safe down here,” added Tracy. 

After much hard work from Murrumbateman Cub Scouts, Leaders, and the community, the rally was a great day.

Southerly Jones