Berinba Public School will next year celebrate its 50th anniversary and is putting a call out for members of the community to join a committee to help plan the celebrations.
The committee will be responsible for creating events and fundraising for the school throughout 2022, and Secretary Clare Silvestro says celebration plans are very much a blank canvas at the minute.
“There’s not really much in the works at the moment; we’re just looking at getting a committee together to try and organise all of the events for next year, and we don’t know what events there will be, but there was talk about doing a school fete.”
“We’re just looking for people to be a part of the committee, and then we can go from there,” she said.
The celebration is as much about the 50th anniversary as it is a celebration of just how far the school has come.
“Berinba is a very inclusive school, we’re the only school in Yass that has an enriched learning area, and we’ve got such a wide range of kids in our school who are all of different abilities and all different areas of the community,” she said.
Experience with events of a larger magnitude and an understanding of the culture at Berinba are desired by the P&C group.
“Somebody who has been in charge of organising a school fete or other big events would be great because I’m not sure any of us P&C people have done something that large before, so it’d be good to get some experience in that respect.”
“People who’ve had some association with the school would be fantastic,” she said.
There are some ideas in the works already, but people with fresh ideas and wanting to help share the load for the current team are being encouraged to register their interest via
Max O’Driscoll